Overview of the Candalaria Nature Preserve

ZOOM Meeting

Jeannie will share her presentation about the preserve which she did for the Native Plant Society.  Join us on zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84839213274?pwd=UnA4dFFjS0szbm5xdWpHWHBxelZkQT09 Meeting ID: 848 3921 3274 Passcode: 269015

Adventures in Poetry Outdoors Ages 8-10

Candelaria Nature Preserve

Friends of the Candelaria Nature Preserve are offering two learning enrichment experiences that focus on child-guided, organic play with words, art and nature, Facilitator: JC Wayne, ”poet-artist adventure guide” Number of Participating Children: Up to 10 for each event See flyers for details and registration information.   Adventures in Poetry_pdf

New Mexico’s Acequia System

We will have a sure-to-be fascinating presentation on New Mexico's acquia system by Dr. Sylvia Rodriguez, Professor and Director of the Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies.

Soil Microbiology

ZOOM Meeting

Steve Trujillo. Microbiologist, will give a talk on soil microbiology on Thursday, October 19, at 5:00 PM. Join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81079406370?pwd=MjltbndST1Q4SGIxMHJERUowbWJQdz09 Meeting ID: 810 7940 6370 Passcode: 604843

Citizen Science at CNP

ZOOM Meeting

Gardener extraordinaire, and environmental activist Peter Callen will give a talk on climate citizen science at the CNP. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83551001097?pwd=Wi9UaGRUeTdqQ2JhbnJNY2E4a3FsUT09 Meeting ID: 835 5100 1097 Passcode: 560067

Tour of CNP

Learn about the conservation and restoration work taking place on this unique property. The free tour will begin at the entry gate located at the end of Arbor Road (just north of Candelaria on Rio Grande). For more information, contact Jo Strange jstrange@cabq.gov or 505-991-8505

Tour of CNP

Learn about the conservation and restoration work taking place on this unique property. The free tour will begin at the entry gate located at the end of Arbor Road (just north of Candelaria on Rio Grande). For more information, contact Jo Strange jstrange@cabq.gov or 505-991-8505

Tour of CNP

Learn about the conservation and restoration work taking place on this unique property. The free tour will begin at the entry gate located at the end of Arbor Road (just north of Candelaria on Rio Grande). For more information, contact Jo Strange jstrange@cabq.gov or 505-991-8505

Wildlife at Candalaria Nature Preserve

ZOOM Meeting

Friends CNP January 2024 Speaker Speaker Jo Strange, Albuquerque Open Space Field Biologist, will give an online presentation on the wildlife currently living at the Candelaria Nature Preserve.  This event is free and open to the public.  Registration is required. http://tiny.cc/FriendsCNPJanuary

Tour of CNP

Learn about the conservation and restoration work taking place on this unique property. The free tour will begin at the entry gate located at the end of Arbor Road (just north of Candelaria on Rio Grande). For more information, contact Jo Strange jstrange@cabq.gov or 505-991-8505

Tour of CNP

Learn about the conservation and restoration work taking place on this unique property. The free tour will begin at the entry gate located at the end of Arbor Road (just north of Candelaria on Rio Grande). For more information, contact Jo Strange jstrange@cabq.gov or 505-991-8505

Friends of CNP Speaker Series – February 2024

ZOOM Meeting

Using Drones at CNP for Mapping, Data & Photos Presented by Joseph Zebrowski Thursday, February 29, 5:00 – 6:15pm on Zoom   This month at the Friends of Candelaria Farms Speaker Series, we meet Joseph Zebrowski. He has been part of a team performing geospacial mapping at the preserve. We will learn how this technology...